Orleans Outpatient Treatment & Prevention

Main Office (Batavia)

249 East Ave., Albion, NY 14411
Phone: 585-589-0055
Fax: 585-589-1501

Director of Treatment Services
Nicole Davis

Assistant Director of Prevention
Sheila Harding

Customer Relations Manager
Amy Klos

Get In Touch

About the Office

UConnectCare’s Orleans County Outpatient Treatment & Prevention office offers outpatient treatment services to residents of Orleans County. This office also provides prevention services in schools and the community. In addition, the office is home to the Orleans United Drug Free Communities Coalition, a combined effort of volunteers working in the community to prevent the abuse of alcohol, marijuana and tobacco products among teens and youth. 

UConnectCare's Harm Reduction services encourage any positive change.

Harm Reduction is an evidence-based approach that is critical to engage with people who use drugs and equip them with life-saving tools. Harm Reduction does not ignore drug use in our community, but shines a light to provide non-judgmental care to increase the quality of life of people who use drugs throughout Genesee and Orleans Counties. It allows autonomy for people to prevent overdose, drug related injuries, and other preventable diseases.

UConnectCare’s Harm Reduction team can provide safer use supplies and referrals to community services for housing, food, and clothing, and provide transportation in most cases. Harm Reduction peers and case managers are available to meet people wherever they are at in their substance use.

Office Location:  5130 East Main St, Suite 5, Batavia, NY 14020

EMAIL US TODAY AT harmreduction@uconnectcare.org